Otra de las cosas que mas llama la atención en la película de Green Lantern es la tranformación física de los actores con sus respectivos personajes especialmente de Mark Strong y Peter Sarsgard… irreconozibles con sus caracterizaciones. Al respecto Mark comento que
En el caso de Mark,
Mark and Peter, you guys were unrecognizable in your costumes. Can you talk about working with that level of FX and makeup?
Mark Strong: Well, I have to bow to Pete on the prosthetics front, because he had a much heavier burden than mine. Suffice it to say that they take a long time to put on, but they’re incredibly effective, I think.
Mark Strong: Well, I have to bow to Pete on the prosthetics front, because he had a much heavier burden than mine. Suffice it to say that they take a long time to put on, but they’re incredibly effective, I think.
Peter Sarsgaard: We shared the same glue. When I finished he was starting and my passing comment to him was, “You’re going to find that you have this thing about the glue, that you’ll dream about the glue, the smell. There’s something about it.” It’s like, “Do you really like Tang or is it just a sense memory?” I still think that sometimes, and it was kind of impossible to get that off. You’d kind of get it off. A couple of days later you’d —
Strong: Find a little nugget, yeah.
Sarsgaard: A long strand, yeah. It’s a challenge, but also I think for me as an actor on it, there were these different stages on it, right, and none of them looked like me. Even the beginning doesn’t look like me. So, it was like a gift. For one, I could tell where I was in the movie. A lot of times you’re in a movie and you’re like, “Right. We’re in the part where what happens?” I had clear stages that told me where I was in the movie, which was nice.
- Teresa Garza
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